Radiology Malpractice

Suppose your radiologist fails to diagnose your medical condition or perhaps fails to notify you promptly about your injury or illness. In that case, you may be able to take legal action for radiology malpractice. On average, radiologists have a 30 percent error rate. Approximately 70 percent of these errors are associated with the radiologist’s entirely missing irregularities. Furthermore, 30 percent of errors are caused by misinterpretation of irregularities.

There is an acceptable standard of care in the medical industry. This standard allows for some errors, but errors should not exceed this amount. If the standard of care is not met, a malpractice lawsuit can be filed. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to a radiology error, contact us anytime at (281) 475-4535 or fill out a consultation form here to have your case evaluated. 

Radiology & Misdiagnosis

Radiologists are in charge of screening patients for medical conditions. The patient can not have a correct diagnosis if the screening is incorrect. The patient will not be able to get adequate treatment if an accurate diagnosis is not made. Without proper treatment, most medical conditions will worsen. The most common misdiagnosis during screenings includes fractures and cancer. 

Radiology Malpractice Lawsuit

When filing a radiology malpractice lawsuit, a few components must be established:

  1. Duty Owed- Plaintiff must show proof of a physician-patient relationship, which sets a duty of care owed to that patient.
  2. Duty Breached- Plaintiff must show that the physician failed to uphold that duty of care by either committing an act or failing to do what was required.
  3. Injury Incurred- This breach of duty must have caused harm to the patient.
  4. Actual Damages- Plaintiff must show that the breach caused the patient to sustain tangible and measurable injuries resulting from negligence or malpractice.

Contact an Attorney 

Victims of radiology errors might be entitled to compensation. Compensation could be non-economic or economic. Non-economic damages involve psychological harm, known as “pain and suffering.” On the other hand, economic damages involve compensation for things like medical bills. 

Medical malpractice cases are complex and should be handled by an attorney. If you or a loved one has been injured or has died from an injury caused by a medical professional, it could be the result of medical malpractice or negligence. We recommend you contact us immediately for a free case evaluation. CALL US ANYTIME (281) 475-4535 or fill out a consultation form here to start the process.