What a Personal Injury lawyer can do for you
If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, a personal injury attorney can help you receive compensation from the insurance company. An experienced accident attorney will be able to handle all communications with the insurance company to ensure everything goes smoothly. Additionally, they know what areas to focus on to receive the maximum compensation.
When should I hire a personal injury lawyer?
Personal injury attorneys typically specialize in specific areas of law such as medical malpractice or car accident injuries. The following are a few situations where you might need to hire a personal injury lawyer:
•Insurance company refusing to pay for your injuries
•You have suffered a long-term or disabling injury
•Endured a severe short-term injury that resulted in significant medical costs
•You’ve sustained an injury or illness due to negligence by a doctor, nurse, hospital, or other health care provider. In this case, you would hire a medical malpractice attorney
• You have been exposed to a toxic substance due to negligent contamination of air, water, or food
•Experienced psychological trauma or illness as a result of someone else’s negligence
•You have been sued by someone claiming negligence on your part
What does a personal injury lawyer do?
A personal injury lawyer provides legal representation to anyone involved in a personal injury. A lawyer can:
•Decide if it is in your best interest to file a lawsuit
•Make sure you receive the maximum compensation for your case
•Negotiate with the insurance company
•Tell you the best options for your settlement
•Fill out forms, obtain records and perform administrative work
•File motions on your behalf
•Convey the seriousness of your claim to insurers and medical providers
Will my insurance company help with my personal injury case?
Your insurance company won’t provide you with a lawyer or give legal advice. The insurance company has different goals. An insurance company’s goal in an accident is to pay out as little as possible. Your goal is to get maximum compensation for your injuries.
How are personal injury lawyers paid, and how much does it cost?
Personal injury lawyers take cases on contingency bases. The American Bar Association explains that “In a contingent fee arrangement, the lawyer agrees to accept a fixed percentage of the recovery, which is the amount finally paid to the client. If you win the case, the lawyer’s fee comes out of the money awarded to you. If you lose, neither you nor the lawyer will get any money, but you will not be required to pay your attorney for the work done on the case.”
The percentage a lawyer charges will often depend on how complicated the case is. Lawyers will usually require higher rates as a case goes further through the court system.
If you win the case, the settlement check is to your lawyer. Your lawyer will deduct their fee, and send you the remaining amount.
Top 5 questions to ask a personal injury lawyer
Before you hire a personal injury attorney, you’ll want to meet for a consultation. Attorneys usually will offer a consultation for free. The consultation helps them decide whether you have a viable case. Here are a few questions you’ll want to ask during the meeting:
1. Have you handled cases like mine before, and what were the outcomes?
Find out if your attorney has dealt with the type of accident or incident that caused your injury. For example, an attorney specializing in motorcycle accidents may turn down your case if it goes to a tort attorney.
2. How long would I have to wait before I received a settlement?
A personal injury lawyer should be able to estimate how long the process will take
3. What percent is the contingent fee?
Find out how your attorney will charge you and when
4. How many personal injury cases have you taken to trial?
Ask whether your attorney and their law firm has experience with personal injury trials
5. What is my car accident case worth?
Every accident case is different based on your injuries and the amount of damage done to your vehicle. An experienced attorney can tell you approximately how much your case might be worth.
Practice areas related to Personal injury
•Defective and dangerous products
•Mesothelioma and asbestos
•Nursing home abuse and neglect
Getting the right attorney could make the difference of a few thousand dollars on your settlement. Furthermore, our attorneys specialize in car accident cases, and they will vigorously fight for you to get everything you are owed. If you or a loved one has been injured, contact us today. CALL US ANYTIME (281) 475-4535 or fill out a consultation form here to start the process.